Cosmetic rejuvenation that restores a more youthful – and natural look – is what many of us are eyeing up. Blepharoplasty – or an eyelift – is an ever-popular cosmetic surgery procedure because of its ability to tighten, balance and harmonise.
Because the eyes are delicate, and one of the first areas to show the signs of age, ensuring we engage a gentle approach to restoration is essential. Most of us aren’t aiming for ‘the pulled back’ look or excessively slanting eyes, instead we want surgical and non-surgical appearance medicine treatments that gently contour and refine the eye region, enhancing our natural form.
When it comes to cosmetic surgery, an upper or lower blepharoplasty both enhance and balance. Upper lid surgery removes sagging skin, and excess fatty tissue and muscle, and gently lifts. A lower blepharoplasty removes and repositions the fat/skin beneath the eyes. Whilst there is more than one surgical approach, typically fat is removed from inside the lower lid so there is no external scarring.
As for appearance medicine treatments to aid both eye and facial restoration? Dermal fillers can be injected into the hollows to minimise the appearance of bags and rejuvenate and harmonise the area. Whilst Botox injected in the crow's feet can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and tension around the eyes but won’t permanently remove the bags.
As for recovery times, upper eyelid surgery typically has a shorter recovery period than lower eyelid surgery, with bruising typically subsiding by the two week mark post-surgery – and it’s often less painful. Lower eyelid surgery recovery may take anywhere from two-to-four weeks – spurring a little more bruising than an upper blepharoplasty.
Ridding ‘the tired look’, restoring youthfulness, balance and facial harmony is what blepharoplasty achieves, reach out for a trusted surgical hand to learn more about this game changer in the eye department.