Breast reduction surgeries are on the rise bringing a boost to people worldwide. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported a staggering 54% increase in cosmetic breast reduction surgeries from 2019 to 2022. What these numbers reflect is both an individual and societal change.
Individual in focus . . .
Every person’s breast situation is individual and breast reduction surgery post-pandemic has given rise to greater empowerment and a drive for comfort and confidence. The pandemic gave of us time to reflect and take stock of our body goals and wellbeing. And, with dialogue focused on physical and mental health, and embracing healthier lifestyles, breast reduction surgery was propelled into the spotlight.
We’re all aware that breast reduction surgery goes beyond appearances. It remedy’s what large breasts cause: restricted physicality, poor posture, pain and skin irritation under the breast fold, and even breathing issues. The realities of the limitations large breasts put on everyday life is significant for many women, with large breasts not just effecting exercise options, reducing clothing options, prohibiting hobbies but also hampering family time. For those who do experience all or some of the problems associated with large breasts, a breast reduction, often combined with a breast lift, is a gamechanger.
Who stands to gain?
Here in New Zealand, breast reduction surgery is also on the rise, although not everyone will be granted surgery under the public health system. As of January 2022, there was a 30% increase, up from 2018, of people who had qualified and were waiting for breast reduction surgery. In the five years to 2021, ACC received 203 claims for breast reduction surgery – granting over 80% of them. Depending on your specific breast situation – and health guidelines you meet (insurers won’t cover breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons) – breast reduction surgery may be covered by a private insurer like Da Vinci Plastic Surgery Clinic’s affiliated insurance provider Southern Cross. An example of cover is that you require a breast reduction and breast lift to restore shape, form and remedy asymmetries.
Techniques that attune you . . .
Breast reduction surgery is designed to make the breasts better supported, shaped and smaller for all people but it is still a unique procedure. Depending on breast size before the operation and the final post-operative size, incisions and removal are tailored to the individual. This could involve an incision made around the nipple and areola accompanied by a vertical incision below the areola with or without a horizontal incision made in the crease below the breast. By engaging short scar techniques breast size is reduced, with improved shape achieved. Our cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeons, Mr Adam Bialostocki and Mr Brandon Adams, have specialist training in breasts, which affords them greater skill and technique when performing surgery.
No matter how popular a plastic surgery procedure, every person’s body, face and breast journeys are different. Reaching for an experienced surgeon, one who can tailor the procedure specifically to your goal set, is essential for best breast results, confidence and comfort.