Wanting to step out with greater tummy or breast confidence come summer 2021? Winter is your season to send fat packing or bust out – or up– or down, a little more. Undergoing abdominoplasty or breast procedures can be under taken anytime of the year but the cooler seasons hone advantages: recovery time, temperature stability and clothing perks. Here’s why the coming months are some of the best months to undergo cosmetic surgery.
Take the heat out . . .
Minus the heat of summertime, body healing remains controlled and post-op swelling on the down-low. Cooler weather means we’re less inclined to expose our skin, which means scar healing also takes an upper seat – less sun exposure, enables scars to fade away not darken.
Keep covered. . .
We layer up in winter – singlets, merinos, scarves and jackets – so, it’s an ideal time to throw in a few additional compression bandages to the daily wardrobe. Regardless of whether you are opting for abdominoplasty or liposuction – to contour,smooth and rid fat, breast augmentation procedures – lift, reduction, fatgrafting or implants, recovery includes stitches, bruising and swelling, so compression bandages are needed for support. Bandages are there to support and comfort, and work to reduce the risk of more serious complications like seroma (excessserous fluid filling a pocket under the skin).
Stay hidden .. .
With more time spent indoors during winter, it proves a key time to keep that breast,tummy or weight loss surgery procedures out of sight and away from prying eyes.Plus, excusing yourself from social gatherings is much more accepted when it’s cold and dark out!
Whatever your body goals for 2021, journey with the right expertise and trusted hands at the fore. Speak to our team about locking in the best body procedures for you.