Losing those stubborn kilos is a battle many of us face. With exercise and dieting failing to turn the tables on those fatty deposits that lurk on the tummy, hips, thighs and buttocks. Fortunately, all is not lost, liposuction can rid fat in hard-to-shift places, earning its title as the world’s most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, according to new data published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
Liposuction has outshone other cosmetic surgery procedures, including breast augmentation, accounting for 14.8% of cosmetic surgeries performed globally, reports ISAPS, however it is not an extreme weight loss tool. In fact, on average you can expect to lose five-to-six kilograms maximum in those troublesome body areas such as the love handles, upper arms, and belly. Being as close to your ideal weight as possible pre-surgery, and maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle and exercise regime before and after, all aid a smoother recovery, ensuring greater surgical outcomes and minimising the risks associated with both the anaesthesia and the procedure itself.
And, although liposuction does safely and successfully remove fat pockets it’s still an invasive surgical procedure. Any cosmetic surgery comes with its own set of risks and the liposuction procedure itself and recovery journey aren’t completely pain-free. This is why engaging a trusted hand to perform the procedure, allowing adequate recovery time and setting realistic expectations, is essential.
“We cannot make a procedure pain-free, but we can make any discomfort manageable,” explains Da Vinci Plastic Surgery Clinic's cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, Adam Bialostocki. “Advancement in pain relief, administration and the expertise of a renowned anaesthetist, alongside excellent post-op care instructions, all aid surgery and recovery.”
So, what can you expect on the road to recovery after undergoing liposuction surgery? It can take up to six weeks for swelling to go down following the procedure, with compression garments advised until at least week four post-surgery. Alongside compression garments, small drains may be placed at the surgical sites. These drains prevent fluid from building up around incisions which can hinder healing. How long you have drains in will be advised by your surgeon and dependent on your individual circumstance.
At the week four mark you may still have swelling but pain and soreness should have subsided and you may be able to resume light exercise. However, no heavy lifting or rigorous exercise especially in the first six weeks is a must. Post-six weeks, the majority of your bruising and swelling should have subsided.
Liposuction does bring reward in places that can prove difficult, however keeping realist expectations upfront is essential when undergoing liposuction. When you partner with a cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon who is both experienced and qualified in this area of cosmetic surgery, results will meet your objectives and fulfil body goals.