The rise of non-invasive appearance medicine treatments has been exponential this past decade. This year, ASPS, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, revealed a 73% increase in Botox injections and a 77% increase in non-invasive fat reduction treatments from 2019 to 2022, in its annual report. With the ease of many lunchtime treatments, and no need for anaesthesia or downtime, it's little wonder non-invasive cosmetic treatments continue to soar in popularity.
However, gaining the most from any cosmetic injectable treatment, such as Botox, Dermal Fillers or Belkyra, or non-invasive fat removal procedures, like CoolSculpting, involves a certified hand and an individual approach. Knowing what your face or body goals are before undergoing any cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, or appearance medicine procedure, is essential to choosing the right treatment pathway forward.
When it comes to the face, working with your goals, age, skin type and asymmetries all factor into chosen treatment plans. If you are looking for a freshen up, without the surgical downtime, injectable treatments like Botox and Dermal Fillers to target wrinkles and replenish volume might be your best option, alongside Kybella injections to target fat in the chin and jaw area. If sagging or gravity have taken hold, a surgical facelift procedure, combined with injectable treatments or fat grafting, may be required to restore balance, rejuvenate and harmonise facial features.
On the body front, non-invasive body contouring and permanent fat removal procedures like CoolSculpting are effective, but exploring all treatment options should be carried out first and foremost. For example, you may require more CoolSculpting sessions to achieve the fat reduction you desire than you first thought. In which case, liposuction may be a better option to achieve your goals, even though it is an invasive plastic surgery procedure which can have a longer recovery period.
Non-invasive procedures may be the talk of the town, but doing your homework before signing onto any provider, is essential for best and safest results. Avoid the lure of flashy advertising, two-for-one-deals and special promises, instead do your research into the procedures themselves and the practitioners who are administering.
This means going beyond research on social media and seeking a cosmetic and plastic surgery provider who has the relevant training, qualifications to their name. And, once you have that cosmetic provider, building a trusted, in-depth relationship with them is a must. Why? Because your face and body will thank you for it. Your cosmetic provider will get to know your preferences, the procedures that are best suited to your anatomy and goals for the long-term. They’ll also be able to direct you the best way forward to maximise your results, help to speed recovery and provide advice on post-procedure care and maintenance.
A trusted and qualified hand ensures safest and best results.