The neck line is a notoriously challenging area to keep in check. Aging, genetics and weight loss can all contribute to loose skin, and that double chin and sagging jowls. Unfortunately, diet and exercise, lotions and potions won’t always come to our restoration rescue.
Fortunately, there are both surgical and nonsurgical options to treat the lower face and neck. To redefine minus surgery, non-invasive Belkyra injections gently – and permanently – dissolve fat in the neck and jaw to restore and sculpt the lower face. Belkyra injections use a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid – which is naturally produced by the body – and destroy fat from the inside. The fat is then naturally eliminated from the body.
For those seeking cosmetic surgery to. A neck lift involves removing excess skin via liposuction or direct surgery, skin is then re-draped and excess skin excised, and scars placed in inconspicuous places. Post-surgery incisions heal within approximately 10 days and swelling subsides within several weeks. What can you expect from a neck lift? Greater definition of the jawline, a smoother appearance with excessive wrinkling diminished, and a firmer appearance – drooping skin gone.
The face and neck are intricate areas, so before undergoing any cosmetic surgery or appearance medicine procedure, ensuring you do your homework is essential. The field of plastic surgery is extensive, placing yourself in the hands of a qualified cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon who specialises in facial surgeries is a must. Why? Because they’ll have the expertise to deliver best neck results and are committed to maintaining high standards of practice and care.
Whatever your neck or facial goals, choose to partner with a team of cosmetic specialists who prioritise safety and individuality.