Now’s the time to take closer inspection of your skin . . .
Warmer days have arrived which means timeout for our skin and a wave goodbye to winter woolies. But before you start stripping off the layers, tuck into a few skin home truths – namely the ‘what’s what’ in sun damage and the ‘who’s who’ in skin cancer.
Which is worse – UVA or UVB?
The integrity of our skin is affected by both UVB and UVA – not either or – which is why it is essential to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen year-round, not just summertime. To back the facts, a recent study by researchers at Binghamton University New York, found that no UV range is more harmful than the other – in fact, the damage scales with the amount of UV energy that the skin absorbs. They found that UV weakens the bonds between cells in the top layer of skin by affecting proteins in corneodesmosomes that help the cells to adhere together. The result – sunburn that leads to peeling skin. The most important takeaway from study’s like this? That skin protection is important no matter what the season. The stratum corneum is the first barrier to the outside – we need to keep it protected.
Not so uncommon . . .
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) are our most common skin cancers Downunder– and they are on the rise. According to the Cancer Society NZ, there are approximately 67,000 cases of new non-melanoma cases recorded each year. “Unlike melanoma, our deadliest cancer – which tends to grow aggressively – many SCC swing between a slow growing pattern, or rapid enlargement across a few weeks,” explains Adam Bialostocki, Da Vinci’s cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, and skin cancer specialist. “BCC tend to be slow growing with little spread.” So, how do you tell the difference between SCC and BCC cancers? And who is more at risk from developing them?
SCC quick fire: Colourings and size – Typically reddish, crusty lesions which can feel tender to touch, may only be a few millimetres in diameter. Whereabouts – Typically found in sun exposed places – including the lips, which can be smoking related. Common in who? – Fair skinned people are dominant candidates, and men are twice as likely to develop SCC lesions. Those who have undergone organ transplants are 250% more at risk of development too.
BCC quick fire: Colourings and size – Sometimes pearly in appearance, or pale and waxy in texture. But may also appear crusty/scabby. Whereabouts – Approximately 85% will showcase on the head and neck region. Common in who? – Fair skinned people and more commonly appears in later life.
Check in before time out . . .
Just as screen should be worn year-round, it’s important we skin check year-round. “Before summer actually arrives is a good time to get a professional skin check,” advises Adam. “Because moles and lesions tend to show less of the normal signs of sun exposure during the cooler months. In summer, when the skin experiences new bouts of sun activity and exposure, it can be harder to identify skin lesions that need attention. And in between professional checks, self-screening is a must.”