Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, remains a popular cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedure globally. Balancing the face, contouring and correcting asymmetries, and improving nasal function for those who suffer from breathing and sinus problems. It also works to remedy nasal birth defects and nasal injuries. A surgical procedure that nose how to serve far and wide.
Form and function . . .
Achieving balance, harmony and function are key goals of rhinoplasty. You may want to straighten, unpinch a nasal tip or reduce a pronounced bump, in which case rhinoplasty aims to harmonise the proportions of the nose with the entire face. This affords greater facial symmetry, bringing balance to the eyes, mouth and forehead, and correcting metric distances.
For those who suffer from allergies and sinus problems, rhinoplasty works by removing tissue, reducing the size of the soft structures in the lower nasal passages (inferior turbinates).
What a nose job won’t do is change the basic structure of your nose. It also won’t alter genetics – which determine how the nose changes over time, or remedy skin conditions – redness, spots and discolouration – or improve the quality of the skin.
The long game . . .
As with any rhinoplasty surgery – from hump reduction, to nostril width improvement or restoration of the nasal tip – be prepared for slow and steady recovery mode and for results to unfold across a period of time.
It can take up to a year for swelling to subside completely, and for the final contours and shape of your nose to settle into place. Within the first few weeks you’ll notice gradual changes – as tissues heal and swelling reduces. And, you can expect to have additional support and protection – a splint and bandages – on and around the area for at least the first week.
Rhinoplasty’s benefits are extensive, restoring facial balance, harmony and function, reach out to a trusted team to learn more about this life changing procedure.