You’d be forgiven for feeling a little offside these past few months. Mentally, emotionally – and physically, the Covid storm left no element of life unturned. And, that ‘extra’ time – aside from the baking and eating – prompted many of us to tune in closer to the ‘true’ asymmetries of our faces – we got up close and personal. You may have spied one nostril larger than another, mouth slightly dipped to one side, one eye droopy, but did you know they’re more common than not! And there’s options for treating them all.
According to a US National Library of Medicine 2015 study, facial asymmetry is common in the overall population. And, when study researchers assessed patients’ radiographic examination, they found that prevalence rose above 50%. What does this tell us? That many of us have asymmetrical features but just don’t realise it! Facial asymmetries are not all bad – in fact they add to our uniqueness, can even be a defining feature. However, there are some key cosmetic procedures that are destined to turn those unwanted asymmetries around – should you want to. Here’s how . . .
Dermal Fillers: Hyaluronic fillers don’t just smooth, soften and enhance, they can also correct tissue imbalance and muscle weakness, and they also work to restore a more youthful pattern of facial movement and expressiveness. This was especially highlighted in a new study published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. According to the study, led by Ivona Percec of University of Pennsylvania, HA dermal filler treatment conveys a dermal tightening effect, alongside a volumizing of treated areas. The study analysed results in middle-aged women receiving HA dermal treatment, and after six weeks these showcased stretch levels more like those of younger women in areas prone to the effects of facial aging – i.e. nasolabial folds.
Botox: There’s more to Botox than meets the eye – literally! Botox injections can correct a sagging eyebrow, or prevent wrinkles which seem to be popping up on one side of the face.
Fat Grafting: An ideal permanent way to plump out facial contours. Our specialist cosmetic and plastic surgeons – Adam Bialostocki and Brandon Adams – are well-versed in fat grafting which uses your own fat to redefine and balance features.
Rhinoplasty: Or a ‘nose job’ as its commonly referred to, goes beyond just structure and form, it can visibly correct facial asymmetries on the outside and correct internal breathing and air flow problems on the inside. Think cosmetic or functional – or both! Open or closed surgery – who nose? When it comes to rhinoplasty not all surgery is an open book. i.e. a closed rhinoplasty involves the surgeon making all of the surgical incisions on the inside of the nose so that they are not visible post-surgery. In some cases, though, open surgery is required and this involves the surgeon making an incision along the bottom of the nose. Why opt for cosmetic rhinoplasty? If you have a pronounced bump, enlarged nostrils or you want to unpinch a nasal tip, cosmetic surgery can harmonise and bring greater balance to eyes, mouth and forehead – correcting distance metrics.
Let’s face it, we were born to have our differences. So, when it comes to those asymmetries, it shouldn’t be about changing our faces beyond recognition, rather defining and correcting where it counts. And, to strike a balance and achieve results that’ll make you truly shine, it all begins with putting yourself in an expert pair of hands – surgeons and specialists we can trust and rely upon.