Why social media's taking on the chin . . .
The wrath of Covid hasn’t just hampered work, travel and everyday life – it’s also hit us hard on the chin. Not figuratively – but literally. Across the globe over 74% of us upped the ante on our social networking as we locked down on staying connected during challenging times. But all that ZOOM time, Google meeting and hanging out, brought us closer to what’s going on in our lower facial regions – namely the jaw and chin. All that screen time has zoomed in on those problem areas – lack of definition, double chin, jowling. Unfortunately, screens are here to stay, so it’s a case of ridding the chin not the computer!
Fortunately, there are procedures – surgical and injectables – to diminish the chin and gently sculpt and contour the jaw and neck area. As with any cosmetic surgery or non-invasive facial procedure, it’s about taking an individual approach – discussing your options with a reputable and experienced cosmetic surgeon, like our very own cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, Adam Bialostocki, before pressing go on any neck lift surgery or BELKYRA injections. Why? Because your treatment plan could include cosmetic surgery, or injectables – or both.
“If you have intensive lower facial jowling or a sagging neck, fillers or Botox may not provide the long-term treatment needed. A facelift – or rhytidectomy – corrects sagging facial skin to harmonise, restore the jawline and re-establishing fullness in the cheeks,” explains Adam. “Because the chin area is notoriously sensitive and difficult area to treat, a lift combined with non-invasive BELKYRA injections – these permanently dissolve fat – can effectively hone this area, restoring that definition.”
Cosmetic surgery and injectables have become a firm part of our cultural conversation – for good reason. Nowadays, we’re not aiming for pulled back and plastic, we’re hitting the right notes with rejuvenation as opposed to transformation. Keeping things natural is key to remedying chin and jawline woes – enhance and improve features, not make unrecognisable.
“To achieve those natural facial results, utilising techniques that incorporate the fat and sheaths of tissue underneath the skin is essential too,” explains Adam. “Rather than just ‘pulling back’ skin – or cutting it away, it’s about lifting and repositioning underlying muscles – tightening the connective tissue enveloping the muscles of the midface and neck.”
ZOOM meeting or no ZOOM meeting, the best reason to undergo cosmetic surgery is for you. So, stay true to yourself and seek trusted guidance, expertise and a safe pair of hands.