Stay up-to-date on the latest cosmetic and plastic surgery facts, figures, procedure speak and options. Life's too short to not be in the know!
Winter is on the backfoot, so it’s the perfect time to address those body ambitions and spring into spring! Here’s how you can rejuvenate in more ways than one . . . Freshen up the face with a little Botox or dermal fillers. These non-invasive procedures work to define and enhance the natural contours of your face – think cosmetic treatments to produce truly natural looking results and restore balance.
Counting on a little more tummy confidence for summer 2021 – or maybe greater lift and enhancement on the breast front? Then winter is your season to send fat packing and push out – or up – a little more. Undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures, like abdominoplasty or breast augmentation, can be undertaken anytime of the year but the cooler seasons bring greater advantages in terms of recovering, temperatures and hidden features. Here’s why now could be the best time for you to press play on those body ambitions.
If you’ve just had a facelift or are about to undergo a procedure, you’ll want the best advice on how to care for the new you. Why is a new skin care routine so important? Because you’ll want to maintain and preserve those results as best you can!
Breast implants continue to move with the times – so sizing should follow suit too. When you tune into an implant fit for your body – and forget ‘cup’ size mentality – best results happen. “There has been significant changes in breast augmentation in the last five years, with a change in the availability of implants and new technology such as Motiva Ergonomics implants and fat grafting for breast augmentation,” says Adam Bialostocki, Da Vinci Plastic Surgery Clinic’s cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon.
Winter is the ideal season to undergo cosmetic surgery, be it abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction or weight loss procedures. Why? The cooler temps aid post-op swelling and fewer sunlight hours means greater opportunity for scar fading. Plus, we layer up in winter, so it's the optimal time keep those compression bandages hidden and out of sight of prying eyes.
Whatever your facial goals for summer – Botox to refresh, dermal fillers to restore, BELKYRA to diminish the chin – aiming for natural enhancement and restoration, and safety is key. If you’re a newbie to injectables, ensuring you seek the guidance of a reputable practitioner is more important than ever before...
If you are insured with Southern Cross, you’ll be glad to know that Mr Adam Bialostocki and Mr Brandon Adams are affiliated providers. For patients who are insured with Southern Cross Medical Society the process couldn't be any simpler.We handle it all for you.