Stay up-to-date on the latest cosmetic and plastic surgery facts, figures, procedure speak and options. Life's too short to not be in the know!
Now’s the time to take closer inspection of your skin . . .Warmer days have arrived which means timeout for our skin and a wave goodbye to winter woolies. But before you start stripping off the layers, tuck into a few skin home truths – namely the ‘what’s what’ in sun damage and the ‘who’s who’ in skin cancer...
When it comes to skin health and beauty, time is off the essence – literally! Moisturising every day and not forgetting the sunblock year-round are all things we need to prioritise from youth. Why? Because when we start hitting our mid 20’s and...
Why social media's taking on the chin . . .The wrath of Covid hasn’t just hampered work, travel and everyday life – it’s also hit us hard on the chin. Not figuratively – but literally. Across the globe over 74% of us upped the ante on our social networking as we locked down on staying...
It’s not just a Covid curve many of us are intent on achieving before summertime swings into action – many of our thoughts to the stomach region as the days start to get warmer and the layers come off. Fortunately, locking down on the tummy...
You’d be forgiven for feeling a little offside these past few months. Mentally, emotionally – and physically, the Covid storm left no element of life unturned. And, that ‘extra’ time – aside from the baking and eating – prompted many of us to tune in...
We are now back in the office and ready to help. We encourage everyone to reach out to us by phone or email to book or reschedule an appointment, enquire about our services and to seek advice.
If you are insured with Southern Cross, you’ll be glad to know that Mr Adam Bialostocki and Mr Brandon Adams are affiliated providers. For patients who are insured with Southern Cross Medical Society the process couldn't be any simpler.We handle it all for you.